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          EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > Philips 招聘healthcare 相關(guān)人才

          Philips 招聘healthcare 相關(guān)人才

          作者: 時間:2007-04-17 來源: 收藏
          Philips Research Labs

          Founded in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1914, Philips Research - as part of
          Royal Philips - has expanded the scale and scope of its activities to become o
          ne of the world's major private research
          organizations. With laboratories in five different countries (The Netherlands,
          China, England, Germany and the United States) and staffed by around 2,500 pe
          ople, our common vision is to create technologies that will lead to products f
          or improving people's lives. Our activities have led to the award of over 115,
          000 patent and design rights, and the publishing of countless thousands of tec
          hnical and scientific papers. Further information on Philips Research is avail
          able at the following web site: http://www.research.philips.com

          Philips Research East Asia Job Position (PREA)

          Philips Research East Asia (PREA) has been established in Shanghai since the y
          ear 2000. Our focus is on break through innovation, aimed to generate new busi
          ness for Philips, and to support existing business. Working with industrial an
          d academic partners, we speed up innovation and help create technologies that
          really matter and get adopted. We call this Open Innovation. We are an integra
          l part of Philips’ international research program and have extensive collabor
          ations with the Philips labs across the World. PREA currently has 80 research
          scientists working in the fields of Healthcare, Lighting, Optical Storage, Dig
          ital Television and Wireless Communications.

          About the Healthcare department.

          The department addresses a broad range of applications and technologies in the
          healthcare arena, for both professional healthcare markets (e.g. hospitals) a
          s well as personal healthcare markets (healthcare devices for consumers). Our
          research is in such fields as chronic diseases, elderly care, molecular medici

          1 )Job ID:37731
            Job Description Biochemist
            Senior Scientist for Biochemistry
          Apply your detailed knowledge on biochemistry to research and develop new appl
          ications in the field of Molecular Medicine and Regenerative Medicine. Work to
          gether in a multidisciplinary team consisting of people with clinical backgrou
          nd and technical background to develop new ideas, and demonstrate these ideas
          in prototypes. Test and improve these prototypes in a clinical environment. Wo
          rk together with universities and institutions.
          Excellent research experience in the field of biochemistry biophysics or other
          biomedical field, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree.The PhD deg
          ree should be supported by publications in renowned international journals.Can
          didates should have done experimental research, or having experimentally verif
          ied their theoretical models. Experience in working with biomedical equipment.
          Preferably experience in developing biomedical equipment.Drive, entrepreneuri
          al behaviour, result and quality driven.Excellent communication skills. Englis
          h language skills to at least CET level 6.

          2) Job ID:37725
                      Job Description Biomedical scientist
                      Scientist for Biomedical - 2
          Apply your detailed knowledge on biomedical science to research and develop eq
          uipment for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease (cancer, stroke). Espec
          ially non-invasive diagnosis and treatment is a major challenge to be addresse
          d.Work together in a multidisciplinary team consisting of people with clinical
          background and technical background to develop new ideas, and demonstrate the
          se ideas in prototypes. Test and improve these prototypes in a clinical enviro
          Excellent research experience in the field of biomedical science or clinical
          physics, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree.The PhD degree should
          be supported by publications in renowned international journals.Candidates sh
          ould have done experimental research, or having experimentally verified their
          theoretical models. Experience in working with biomedical equipment. Preferabl
          y experience in developing biomedical equipment.Drive, entrepreneurial behavio
          ur, result and quality driven.Excellent communication skills. English language
          skills to at least CET level 6.

          3) Job ID:37727
                      Job Description Biophysicist
                      Senior scientist  for Biophysics – 2
          Apply your detailed knowledge on biophysics to research and develop new biome
          dical equipment for weight management. Research is on how to influence relevan
          t physiological processes, preferably non-invasively. Focus is on both profess
          ional equipment and personal devices.Work together in a multidisciplinary team
          consisting of people with clinical background and technical background to dev
          elop new ideas, and demonstrate these ideas in prototypes. Test and improve th
          ese prototypes in a clinical environment.
          Excellent research experience in the field of biophysics or other biomedical f
          ield, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree.The PhD degree should be
          supported by publications in renowned international journals.Candidates shoul
          d have done experimental research, or having experimentally verified their the
          oretical models. Experience in working with biomedical equipment. Preferably e
          xperience in developing biomedical equipment.Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour,
          result and quality driven.Excellent communication skills. English language sk
          ills to at least CET level 6.

          4)  Job ID:      38442
                      Job Description Intelligent Algorithms
                      Senior scientist Intelligent Algorithms
          Apply your detailed knowledge on intelligent algorithms to research and devel
          op new solutions to support independent living of elderly or at risk patients.
          Research is on how to intelligently interpret the information extracted from
          sensor signals in order to present useful summaries of the information to care
          givers. Further research is on how to determine when changes are meaningful an
          d how to report changes over time without resulting in data overload. In addit
          ion to the ability to develop novel intelligent algorithms, the candidate must
          be able to understand the context in which the algorithms are deployed in ord
          er to ensure that the complete system is optimized for the patients benefit.Ta
          ke a leading role in defining the algorithms and prototyping a complete soluti
          on to demonstrate the value of the intelligent algorithms to end patients. Int
          erface with colleagues from business units to ensure that the solutions define
          d are aligned with market requirements.
            Excellent research experience in the field of intelligent algorithms, as dem
          onstrated by having obtained a PhD degree.The PhD degree should be supported b
          y publications in renownedinternational journals.Candidates should have done e
          xperimental research, or having experimentally verified their theoretical mode
          ls. Experience in working with complete solutions, not just algorithms in isol
          ation.Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour, result and quality driven.Excellent co
          mmunication skills. English language skills to at least CET level 6.

          5)  Job ID:     37734
                      Job Description Physicist
                      Senior Scientist for Physics
             Apply your detailed knowledge on physics to research and develop biomedical
          equipment for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease (cancer, stroke). Es
          pecially non-invasive diagnosis and treatment is a major challenge to be addre
          ssed. Work together in a multidisciplinary team consisting of people with clin
          ical background and technical background to develop new ideas, and demonstrate
          these ideas in prototypes. Test and improve these prototypes in a clinical en
             Excellent research experience in the field of physics, biophysics or clinic
          al physics, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree. The PhD degree sh
          ould be supported by publications in renowned international journals. Candidat
          es should have done experimental research, or having experimentally verified t
          heir theoretical models. Experience in working with complex equipment. Prefera
          bly experience in using or developing biomedical equipment.Drive, entrepreneur
          ial behaviour, result and quality driven.Excellent communication skills. Engli
          sh language skills to at least CET level 6.

          6) Job ID:      37732
                      Job description Principal Scientist for Chronic disease cluster
                      Principal Scientist for Chronic Disease
            Lead a cluster of up to 12 (senior) scientists, working on research and deve
          lopment of biomedical equipment for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease
          (cancer, stroke). Prevention of the disease, and follow up after treatment in
          the form of personal disease management devices, are also topics to be addres
          sed.Within the cluster several projects are executed by dedicated multidiscipl
          inary project teams. These teams work together with universities, other scient
          ific institutions and hospitals. You give direction to the work in the cluster
          . You are responsible for the high quality of scientific results from the clus
          ter. You are to coach the people in the cluster to help ensure their optimal p
          erformance.The principal scientist reports to the Director of the Healthcare

             Excellent research experience in the field of biomedical science, biophysic
          s or clinical physics, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree. The Ph
          D degree should be supported by publications in renowned international journal
          s.Excellent track record in medical industrial research or clinical research,
          as evidenced by publication of patents.Candidates should have done experimenta
          l research, or having experimentally verified their theoretical models.Excelle
          nt experience in leading research teams.Experience in developing biomedical eq
          uipment.Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour, result and quality driven. People fo
          cus.Excellent communication skills. English language skills to at least CET le
          vel 6.

          7)  Job ID:     37730
                      Job description principal scientist for personal Wellness
                      Principal Scientist for Personal Wellness
          Lead a cluster of up to 12 (senior) scientists, working on research and devel
          opment of new biomedical equipment for pain management and other personal well
          ness topics. Research is on how to influence relevant physiological processes,
          using relevant devices. A major challenge is to do this non-invasively. Focus
          is on both professional equipment and personal devices.Within the cluster sev
          eral projects are executed by dedicated multidisciplinary project teams. These
          teams work together with universities, other scientific institutions and hosp
          itals. You give direction to the work in the cluster. You are responsible for
          the high quality of scientific results from the cluster. You are to coach the
          people in the cluster to help ensure their optimal performance.The principal s
          cientist reports to the Director of the Healthcare department.
            Excellent research experience in the field of biomedical science, biophysics
          or clinical physics, as demonstrated by having obtained a PhD degree. The PhD
          degree should be supported by publications in renowned international journals
          .Excellent track record in medical industrial research or clinical research, a
          s evidenced by publication of patents.Candidates should have done experimental
          research, or having experimentally verified their theoretical models. Excelle
          nt experience in leading research teams.Experience in developing biomedical eq
          uipment.Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour, result and quality driven. People fo
          cus.Excellent communication skills. English language skills to at least CET le
          vel 6.
          If  you are interested in our position,
          please send your CV to   recruitment.prea@philips.com

          PS: 請務(wù)必在郵件標(biāo)題中寫明申請的職位名稱及JOB ID

          關(guān)鍵詞: 畢業(yè) 求職 招聘



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