Dracula LVS介紹
pldd = 1
contac = 3
mt1 = 4 text 4 texttype 0 attach mt1
thinox = 5
nwell = 6 text 7 attach rnwel
res = 7
poly = 8
dummy = 16
substrate = bulk 99
connect-layer = psub anwel pdiff ndiff poly mt1
not bulk nwell psub
and poly thinox gate
and gate dummy cgate
not gate cgate agate
and agate pldd pgate
not agate pldd ngate
not thinox gate diff
and diff pldd pdiff
not diff pdiff ndiff
;and contac pdiff pcont
;and contac ndiff ncont
sel nwell cut res rnwel
not nwell rnwel anwel
and rnwel res wres
not rnwel wres wress
and psub pdiff pcont
and anwel ndiff ncont