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          EEPW首頁 > EDA/PCB > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > Dracula LVS介紹

          Dracula LVS介紹

          作者: 時間:2012-03-30 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏


          pldd = 1

          contac = 3

          mt1 = 4 text 4 texttype 0 attach mt1

          thinox = 5

          nwell = 6 text 7 attach rnwel

          res = 7

          poly = 8

          dummy = 16

          substrate = bulk 99

          connect-layer = psub anwel pdiff ndiff poly mt1



          not bulk nwell psub

          and poly thinox gate

          and gate dummy cgate

          not gate cgate agate

          and agate pldd pgate

          not agate pldd ngate

          not thinox gate diff

          and diff pldd pdiff

          not diff pdiff ndiff

          ;and contac pdiff pcont

          ;and contac ndiff ncont

          sel nwell cut res rnwel

          not nwell rnwel anwel

          and rnwel res wres

          not rnwel wres wress

          and psub pdiff pcont

          and anwel ndiff ncont

          關(guān)鍵詞: Dracula LVS




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