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          EEPW首頁 > EDA/PCB > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > LOGi FPGA 開發(fā)板:可在樹莓派和Beaglebone上開發(fā)FPGA

          LOGi FPGA 開發(fā)板:可在樹莓派和Beaglebone上開發(fā)FPGA

          作者: 時間:2016-10-18 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

          最近在Kickstarter網(wǎng)站上,Valent F(x)團(tuán)隊正在為LOGi 開發(fā)板的生產(chǎn)籌備資金。


          LOGi 是fpga開發(fā)與arm平臺的結(jié)合。Valent F(x)團(tuán)隊開發(fā)了可以支持上開發(fā)的開發(fā)板,LOGi系列。它讓開發(fā)與入門變得簡單,同時趨于統(tǒng)一現(xiàn)存硬件接口和開源開發(fā)平臺,如 Black這兩個流行的開源開發(fā)平臺。

          Valent F(x)團(tuán)隊分別針對 Black開發(fā)了兩個版本的LOGi板,如下圖的LOGi-Pi和LOGi-Bone。LOGi-Pi的FPGA板的底部連接器可與樹莓派的GPIO頭連接,LOGi-Bone的FPGA板有兩行的連接器可與Beaglebone Black 2x46引腳頭相連接。不需要JTAG或者繁雜的命令,只需要在樹莓派或者Beaglebone Black平臺的終端輸入logi_loader.bit,就可以運(yùn)行LOGi板。

          LOGi-Pi for the Raspberry Pi

          LOGi-Pi 的基本技術(shù)參數(shù):

          Xilinx Spartan 6 LX9 FPGA 9,152 Logic Cells, 16 DSP48A1 Slices, 576Kb RAM

          Plug-and-Play Interfacing for the Raspberry Pi 4 Layer Optimized Design to Support Maximum Performance of High Bandwidth Applications Length-tuned GPMC, SDRAM, LVDS Signals

          3.3V I/O Regulator and 1.2V Core Regulator

          256 Mb SDRAM connected to the FPGA

          2x LEDs 2x Push Buttons 2x D Switches

          1x High Bandwidth SATA connector expansion, port Length tuned and impedance routed differential signals for maximum bandwidth (Designed for modular LVDS expansion, Not SATA devices - see FAQ on SATA connector)

          2x Digilent Inc. PMOD ports supporting 59+ plug-and-play hardware modules

          1x Arduino compatible headers connected to the FPGA pins (3.3V only) Supports over 200+ Arduino Shield Modules

          10x Length-tuned LVDS Pairs 32 FPGA I/O available through PMOD and Arduino headers

          Connection to the SPI Interface of the Raspberry Pi (3.8 MBps maximum Bandwidth)

          Connection to 16 I/O of the Raspberry Pi expansion port (including SPI, UART, I2C and GCLK and GPIO).

          Bit-Stream loading interface connected to the host processor, optional bitstream FPGA self-loading from onboard Flash.

          LOGi-Bone for the Beaglebone


          Xilinx Spartan 6 LX9 TQFP-144 FPGA 9,152 Logic Cells, 16 DSP48A1 Slices, 576Kb RAM

          Beaglebone Black Optimized 4 Layer Optimized Design to Support Maximum Performance of High Bandwidth Applications Length-tuned GPMC, SDRAM, LVDS Signals 3.3v I/O Regulator and 1.2v Core

          Regulator 256 Mb SDRAM connected to the FPGA

          2x LEDs 2x Push Buttons 2x D Switches

          1x High Bandwidth SATA connector expansion port, Length tuned and impedance routed differential signals for maximum bandwidth (Designed for modular LVDS expansion, Not SATA devices - see FAQ on SATA connector)

          2x Digilent Inc. PMOD ports supporting 59+ plug-and-play hardware modules

          1x Arduino compatible headers connected to the FPGA pins (3.3V only) Supports over 200+ Arduino Shield Modules

          Optional GPMC, SPI or I2C port access from the Beaglebone Black

          10x Length-tuned LVDS Pairs

          Bit-Stream loading interface connected to the host processor, optional bitstream FPGA self-loading from onboard Flash.

          關(guān)鍵詞: FPGA 樹莓派 Beaglebone FPGA IP




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